Performance Research Volume 15 Issue 2
Issue editors: Lada Čale Feldman, Marin Blažević & Ric Allsopp
ISBN: 978-0-415-55683
MISperformance is the first of three issues that Performance Research will produce in association with Performance Studies International, and in collaboration with the annual hosts of the PSI conferences 2009 – 2011. Each issue will respond in different ways to the theme of the conference. PSI#15 (Zagreb, June 2009) asked the question ‘Is misperformance a supplement of the Performance Studies paradigm – a concept, an event, an effect that was always there in various theoretical underpinnings of the discipline, yet somehow never fully at the center of the debate?’ The MISperformance issue provides an insight into the various strands of this reflection, ranging from issues of political misrepresentation, via questions of mis-spectatorship and artistic abstinence, to aberrant pathways of documenting contemporary performance practice, and, well ... downright lies! Alongside the conference theme, PSi#15 introduced the format of ‘Shifts’, experiments at the intersections of various modalities of performative presentations; hybrid collaborative platforms inviting both artists and scholars to jointly (mis)perform in-between conventional modes of making a conference, doing art, being an artist or an activist, being a scholar or a curator. The MISperformance issue will include a DVD following the curatorial strategy and program of the PSI#15 Shifts.
Intro 2: Dramaturgy of Shift(s)(ing)
Marin Blažević
pp. 5 - 11
The School of Sisyphus [artists pages]
Rachel Fensham, Joe Kelleher
pp. 12 - 16
Body Manifold: Mathematics (mis)performed by Vituvian and Acephalic bodies
Nicolás Salazar Sutil
pp. 17 - 22
Art, Sexuality and Images: The legalization of pornography in Denmark
Rune Gade
pp. 23 - 28
Playing More than the Cancer Card
Brian Lobel
pp. 29 - 33
First, Second, Third [artists pages – Abandoned Practices]
Matthew Goulish
pp. 34 - 38
Galileo’s Finger and the Perspiring Waxwork: On death, appearance and the promise of flesh
Sophie Nield
pp. 39 - 43
Fear of Falling: Misperformance and re-enactment in national spectacle
Gunhild Borggreen
pp. 44 - 49
misadventure [artists pages]
Laurie Beth Clark
pp. 50 - 53
Collecting Tears: Remembering the Romani Holocaust
Ioana Szeman
pp. 54 - 59
Remembering Revolutionary Masquerade: Performing insurgency, ambivalent identity and the taboo pleasures of colonial (tres)passing in wartime Vietnam
Rivka Syd Eisner
pp. 60 - 65
Capturing Moments of Misperformance: ‘Local Tales’
Daphna Ben-Shaul, Ruth Kanner, Janelle Reinelt
pp. 66 - 73
The Zoostage as Another Ethical Misfiring: The spectacle of the animal victim in the name of art
Suzana Marjanic
pp. 74 - 79
‘Never Work with Children and Animals’: Risk, mistake and the real in performance
Lourdes Orozco
pp. 80 - 85
Dark Room [artists pages]
Michael Peterson
pp. 86 - 87
Upholstered Realism and ‘The Great Futurist Railroad’: Theatrical ‘train wrecks’ and the return of the repressed
Kyle Gillette
pp. 88 - 93
Performance and its ‘Inappropriate Objects’: Rory Macbeth’s sculptures as performative mis-taking
Marco Pustianaz
pp. 94 - 98
Shifting Shifts [artists pages]
Matthew Fink, P.A. Skantze
pp. 99 - 103
A Culture of Revolt: Misreading laughter’s revenge?
Charlie Fox
pp. 104 - 109
Glitch in the Machine
Mario Vrbancić
pp. 110 - 117
How to Perform Neizvodljivo? [artists pages – Unperformable]
Branislav Jakovljević, Ljubisa Matic, Prelom Kolective
pp. 118 - 122
The ‘Dirty Work’ of the Lie
Bree Hadley, Jelena Rajak, Andrew Filmer
pp. 123 - 129
Notes on Contributors
pp. 130 - 132
PR and PSi: a joint venture
pp. 133 - 133
DVD Contents List
pp. 134 - 134