Performance Research Volume 10 Issue 4

On Technē

Issue editors: Richard Gough & Mick Wallis

ISBN: 978-0-415-37377

How might we use the idea of technē – as a practice of knowing by making manifest or bringing forth – to explore the practices and productivity of performance, theatre and dance, both now and historically? This issue of Performance Research explores performance as a practical means of making manifest such things as embodiment, creative process, the margins and flows between the human and non-human, the alienating striations of contemporary life, our practice of non-space, alterity, the elemental, noise and the aesthetic apparatus itself. It challenges the academy’s disregard of the knowledge, creativity, even existence of those who are ascribed ‘technical’ or ‘craft’ roles in the divisions of theatre and performance labour. And it explores the enfolded situation of the performance apparatus, mediating between techne¯ as human activity on one hand, and the human-crafted environment as both the object of technē and as our means to practical knowledge on the other.

Pods, Tubes, Plants, Motor Oil and Other Survival Machines: A syncourse with Claudia Bucher

Meiling Cheng

pp. 9 - 23

The Revelation of Technē: An anatomical theatre

Gianna Bouchard

pp. 24 - 32

Revealing Practices': Heidegger's techne interpreted through performance in responsive systems

Susan Kozel

pp. 33 - 44

Making Space, Marking Time: Stationhouse Opera's Mare's Nest

Richard Malcolm

pp. 45 - 57

The Means Whereby: My body encountering choreography via Trisha Brown's Locus

Megan V. Nicely

pp. 58 - 69

Technē, Technology, Technician: The creativity of the craftsperson

Nick Hunt, Susan Melrose

pp. 70 - 82

A Handbook of Theatrical Devices [artist's pages]

Ewan Forster, Christopher Heighes

pp. 83 - 96

The Nameless and the Named: Technē and technology in ancient Athenian performance

Graham Ley

pp. 97 - 104

The Theatre Soundscape and the End of Noise

Ross Brown

pp. 105 - 119

Elemental Spaces, Elemental Performances

Michael Levan

pp. 120 - 128

Projection and Transaction: The spatial operation of scenography

Joslin McKinney

pp. 129 - 137

A Dwelling in the Screen, At Least for a Little Time

Joanne 'Bob' Whalley, Lee Miller

pp. 138 - 147

Oblivion [artist's pages]

Daniel Watt

pp. 148 - 154

Making Cruising Dwelling: Motion as shelter in the work of David Wojnarowicz

Melissa Jacques

pp. 155 - 169

Notes on Contributors

pp. 170 - 171