Performance Research Volume 9 Issue 3


Issue editors: Claire MacDonald with Laura McGough

ISBN: 978-0-415-34739

Generation proceeds from a simple question – how does belonging to a generation inform the generation of art? What are the art events that have influenced and informed art making and art writing within living memory. The issue explores the transaction that ‘generation’ implies – between the interests and preoccupations of one’s own time and the aesthetic and cultural performances that emerge from it. The sense of belonging to a generation is stronger for some people than for others. It influences some more than others. One’s sense of artistic generation may feel very different from that of one’s peers. One may feel part of one’s time, out of time, profoundly influenced by key events, or indifferent to them. Generation is a collaboration between Performance Research and Nomads, the Washington DC online organization that has shown and commissioned new media, produced the journal Massage and is now moving into curating sound.


Alan Read

pp. 1 - 2

Editorial: Familiar Relations

Claire MacDonald

pp. 2 - 3

Frontispiece: 'A Place in Europe' (1983)

pp. 1 - 1

Ventriloqua [artist's pages]

Aura Satz

pp. 4 - 8

Surviving Text: Investigating writing for experimental theatre of the 1970s and 1980s

Cathy Turner

pp. 9 - 22

The Kids Were Alright: A decade in the life of the members of a Seattle alternative theatre company

Doug Rosson

pp. 23 - 29

Fingers on the Collective Pulse? Frantic Assembly and the future of theatre

Helen Freshwater

pp. 30 - 43

(Re)performing the Archive: Barbara Lattanzi and Hollis Frampton in dialogue

Chris Hill

pp. 44 - 53

From Generation to Generation: Notes on black performance in Britain

Michael McMillan

pp. 54 - 68

The Shape of the Stone was Stoneshaped: Between the generations of Dick Higgins and David Rokeby

Lisa Moren

pp. 59 - 84

Mother's Little Helper

Lenora Champagne

pp. 85 - 96


Patrice Pavis

pp. 97 - 105

Distant Cousins: Tracing genealogies of method in Bogart and Lepage

Bronwyn Tweddle

pp. 106 - 115

Criminals and Celebrities: The inter-generational performance practice of Miranda Harcourt and Stuart McKenzie

David O'Donnell

pp. 116 - 128

Angellessness [artist's pages]

Zekiye Sarikartal, Evren Erlevent

pp. 129 - 133

Book Reviews: Keywords

Claire MacDonald

pp. 134 - 136

Arts Review: Brown Study

Lori Ortiz

pp. 137 - 139

Notes on Contributors

pp. 141 - 142